Recent Employment Deals/Matters
2011 - 2012
Compromise Agreement
- Advising a large number of employees on their employee rights under their compromise agreements
- Drafting compromise agreements for employers
- Negotiating compromise agreements
Constructive Dismissal
- Advising on schedule of losses for constructive dismissal claims
- Advising on alternatives to constructive dismissal claims
- Advising on settlement of a constructive dismissal claim
Disciplinary Proceedings / Grievances
- Advising SME clients on the legitimate enforcement of disciplinary procedures against employees
- Advising clients on grievance procedures and proper conduct at grievance hearings
- Advising on merits of a high value race discrimination claim against a large private company
- Advising and assisting in internal proceedings involving a claim for sexual orientation discrimination and disability discrimination and negotiating a settlement in the case
- Advising in a sex discrimination claim against an investment bank
- Advising an SME in defending a discrimination claim on several fronts
- Advising construction companies on self-employed workers’ positions under the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
- Advising employers on the employment of fixed-term employees and drafting requisite contracts
- Advising on construction of working relationship to ascertain the true status of of a worker
Employment Contracts
- Acting on behalf of senior managers in negotiation of revised terms of employment
- Advising on contractual changes required in respect of the Equality Act 2010
- Negotiating the revision and/or removal of restrictive covenants from contracts for senior management officials in a large organisation
Maternity & Redundancy
- Negotiating settlement packages for employees on maternity leave and placed at risk of redundancy with the maternity leave period
- Advising on options presented to employees commencing maternity leave at the start of organisation restructure
- Advising on a large redundancy dispute involving the outsourcing of work carried out by approximately 40 employees
- Advising a trade union on proposals by an employer affecting its members
- Advising a fast growing SME on the conduct of redundancy consultation resulting from the proposed relocation of a department
Unfair Dismissal
- Advising employees in high profile unfair dismissal claims, resulting in 3 and 4 day employment tribunal hearings
- Advising employees on summary dismissal and the successful overturning of the employers’ decision
- Advising a range of SME’s on the implications of the Equality Act 2010
- Advising a senior employee of a multi-national company on breach of confidence issues within the organisation