Food Resource Disposal

Waste Management – Resource Management - Waste company director fined for storing waste illegally


The Environment Agency recently announced that Nicolas Scarsbrook, the then director of waste company, Stow Skips Ltd, was disqualified for five years for unlawfully storing waste plus failing to hold the necessary permit.


Stow Skip Ltd had an environmental permit to deal with household, commercial and industrial waste at a management facility at the Westington Quarry site in Chipping Camden. The landowner was notified of the poor site condition and sought the eviction of Stow Skip Ltd.


The landowner regained possession of the Westington Quarry site after commissioning an agent to enforce the order to evict Stow Skip Ltd. The agent subsequently found large piles of wood and inert waste stored on the ground outside the main building, along with asbestos, loose tyres and thirteen intermediate bulk containers filled with hazardous liquid waste.


The environmental officers then found 18 skips of mixed waste at another site after the eviction, some including metal containers with a fuel odour, soils and insulation materials. This site was operated without any environmental permit.


Mr Scarsbrook pleaded guilty to:

  • A single charge of failing to store waste in accordance with the environmental permit held for Westington Quarry in Chipping Camden;
  • A charge of operating a waste operation without the necessary permit at the Westington Quarry site in Chipping Camden; and
  • A charge of operating a waste operation without the necessary permit at an alternative site.


He was convicted. He was fined £35,000 and ordered to carry out 250 hours of unpaid work in addition to his disqualification.


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